Big Red Book
Celebrating television's This Is Your Life
Anne ROBINSON (1944-)
THIS IS YOUR LIFE - Anne Robinson, television presenter and journalist, was surprised by Michael Aspel while presenting the BBC's consumer programme, Watchdog - live on air - at the BBC Television Centre.
Anne, who was born in Crosby, Liverpool, moved to London in 1964 to become a shorthand typist with Redifussion TV before working as a reporter for a news agency. In 1967, she became the first female trainee on the Daily Mail and later worked on The Sun and The Sunday Times.
In 1978, she worked for the Liverpool Echo before returning to Fleet Street a year later as a columnist and assistant editor with the Daily Mirror. Having made regular television appearances since 1982, she began presenting the BBC's viewers' programme Points of View in 1986 and took over the presentation and writing of the BBC's Watchdog in 1993.
"Shit! Michael! I'm completely shocked! How wonderful!"
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Screenshots of Anne Robinson This Is Your Life
Series 38 subjects
Jeremy Guscott | Magnus Magnusson | Maureen Rees | Russ Abbot | Sally Gunnell | Graham Cole | James Hatfield