This Is Your Life: Articles
Radio Times cover Radio Times cover Radio Times cover Radio Times cover Radio Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover RTE Guide article TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover TV Times cover

Series 1

  Snoopers on TV? Not on your life! 1 March 1955
  The Daily Express reports on an American import
  The Surprise of Your Life 22 July 1955
  Radio Times previews the first edition
  American Feature Arrives 30 July 1955
  The Manchester Guardian reviews the first edition
  This Is Your Life 23 September 1955
  Radio Times previews the second edition
  This Is Your Life: The Show that can never be fully rehearsed 17 December 1955
  TV Mirror goes behind-the-scenes of the first series
  This Is My Life 21/8 April 1956
  John Bull Magazine interviews Eamonn Andrews

Series 2

  Mr Eamonn Andrews 20 October 1956
  TV Mirror reports on the presenter's popularity
  Poignant Moment 9 November 1956
  Radio Times editorial
  These Shows Live On: Why? 29 December 1956
  A brief review from Picturegoer magazine
  What goes on behind that Green Door 26 April 1957
  The Acton Gazette goes behind-the-scenes

Series 3

  These Are My Lines... 27 September 1957
  Radio Times previews the third series
  Ronald Vivian 7 October 1957
  Press coverage of the production team's new member
  This is Leslie Jackson's Life November 1957
  Interview with the first producer of This Is Your Life
  Cover Story 4 May 1958
  Eamonn Andrews reveals his plans as the series ends
  This Is Your Life by Eamonn Andrews 10 May 1958
  Weekend Magazine reports from behind-the-scenes
  Eamonn Andrews Answers the Question that Everyone Asks Him! 1958
  Eamonn Andrews defends his high-profile

Series 4

  Is This Your Life? 26 September 1958
  Radio Times previews the new series
  Tommy Steele's Second Year climaxed by This Is Your Life October 1958
  The entertainer's rise to fame
  Viewers Watch Spirit Form On Their TV Screens 29 November 1958
  A report from Two Worlds Magazine
  Is This The Best TV Can Do? 4 December 1958
  The Stage reviews a recent edition
  Will a 'Life' man ever stalk out? 2 February 1959
  News Chronicle editorial
  This Is Your Life 8 March 1959
  Radio Times editorial

Series 5

  The Return Of This Is Your Life 28 August 1959
  Radio Times previews the new series
  Eyes On Camera Four 20 November 1959
  Behind-the-scenes secrets revealed by Radio Times
  'This Is Your Life' But It Dominates MINE! 1959
  Producer Leslie Jackson recalls some heart-stopping moments
  Eamonn Takes a 'Rest' 1 April 1960
  Radio Times editorial as series 5 comes to an end

Series 6

  My Line, Your Life And Laughter 16 September 1960
  Radio Times previews the new series
  Split Second Danny 10 November 1960
  Radio Times feature on the programme's chauffeur
  Award Winners 1960: This Is Your Life 7 January 1961
  Eamonn Andrews receives an award nomination
  Danny Blanchflower 6 February 1961
  Press coverage of the footballer's refusal to participate
  This is Your Life 4 May 1961
  Radio Times interviews producer Leslie Jackson

Series 7

  This Is Your Life 28 September 1961
  Radio Times previews the seventh series
  Woman's voice in TV shock 31 October 1961
  Daily Sketch interview with director Yvonne Littlewood
  Behind The Scenes Of This Is Your Life 9 November 1961
  Radio Times feature on the frustrations of a 'Life' researcher

Series 8

  This Is Your Life 27 September 1962
  Radio Times previews the eighth series
  This Is Your Life 1 November 1962
  Radio Times marks the 200th edition
  Radio Times Portrait Gallery 27 June 1963
  Radio Times profiles Eamonn Andrews

Series 9

  This Is Your Life 26 September 1963
  Radio Times previews the ninth series
  This Is Your Life 28 November 1963
  Radio Times feature on the sleuth-like manner of the 'pick-up'

Series 10

  An Irish Man Of Property 15 May 1969
  TV Times article on Eamonn Andrews
  Return of This Is Your Life 19 June 1969
  The Stage reports on the ITV launch
  Forecast... 15 November 1969
  Eamonn Andrews previews the programme's relaunch
  It's the show that balances on a tightrope 15 November 1969
  TV Times interviews footballer Danny Blanchflower
  This Is Your Life 19 November 1969
  TV Times previews the new series
  Street Of Fame 17 January 1970
  TV Times article on Eamonn Andrews
  Gale Pedrick 24 February 1970
  Obituaries for This Is Your Life's first scriptwriter
  Tommy Steele: This Is Your Life 21 March 1970
  A profile of the entertainer
  Elizabeth Twistington Higgins: This Is Your Life 4 April 1970
  A profile of the ballet dancer
  Eamonn faces up to his question time 25 April 1970
  TV Times article on the family life of Eamonn Andrews

Series 11

  The return of This Is Your Life 8 October 1970
  The Stage previews the new series
  Eamonn Andrews: This Is Your Other Life... 14 November 1970
  TV Times article on Eamonn Andrews

Series 12

  Life Is Full Of Surprises 13 November 1971
  Producer Robert Tyrrell reveals some 'cloak and dagger' tactics
  Life Is What They Make It... 6 May 1972
  New producer Malcolm Morris reveals more behind-the-scenes secrets

Series 13

  Eamonn Andrews is back with another 'Life' 11 November 1972
  TV Times previews the new series
  How To Deceive Your Husband 11 November 1972
  TV Times takes a light-hearted look at keeping a secret
  The secret life of Eamonn Andrews 24 October 1973
  Weekend Magazine feature on the show's popularity

Series 14

  Roger Elliot Predicts For Eamonn Andrews 20 February 1974
  The TV Times astrologer predicts the year ahead for Eamonn Andrews
  Not on your life 21 February 1974
  Press coverage of Richard Gordon's 'on air' refusal of the big red book

Series 15

  Being gentlemen solves many of Life's problems 9 November 1974
  TV Times interview with new producer Jack Crawshaw
  Life Lines 19 April 1975
  TV Times feature on recent subjects
  The Night We Shocked Petula 3 May 1975
  TV Times photo feature on Petula Clark's second This Is Your Life surprise

Series 16

  Some people can't cope with being a superstar... 22 November 1975
  A frank interview with Eamonn Andrews
  Your Invitation to ITV 21 18 September 1976
  TV Times highlights a This Is Your Life special

Series 17

  Mr Crawshaw ... This is your nightmare 14 March 1977
  Daily Telegraph interview with producer Jack Crawshaw

Series 18

  Surprise flies supersonic 19 November 1977
  TV Times photo feature

Series 19

  The deuce of a job getting Ginny's jigsaw to fit 21 October 1978
  TV Times feature on Virginia Wade
  This is his life... 15 December 1978
  Irish magazine RTE Guide reveals some behind-the-scenes secrets
  Aspects Of Aspel 3 February 1979
  TV Times interview with Michael Aspel

Series 20

  Royalty plans future as opera-dance venue in Thames TV tie-up 28 August 1980
  The Stage reports on This Is Your Life's new home

Series 21

  Magic Book That Opens New Chapters Of Life 11 October 1980
  TV Times feature on 'The Unsung Heroes'
  Letters to the editor December 1974 - November 1980
  A selection of reader's letters from TV Times
  This is the secret life 3 October 1981
  Jack Crawshaw reviews his time on This Is Your Life

Series 22

  This is their life 24 October 1981
  A TV Times photocall for the production team

Series 23

  Life's awkward moments 23 October 1982
  TV Times looks at some 'unplanned' incidents
Katie Boyle's Roman circus 20 November 1982
  TV Times feature on Katie Boyle

Series 24

  The seven ages of Eamonn 23 October 1983
  TV Times feature on Eamonn Andrews

Series 25

  This is my life... I love it 13 October 1984
  TV Times interviews Eamonn Andrews
  This Is Your Life 1 November 1984
  A feature from Television and Radio 1985
Mrs Andrews' line is tops with the brides 17 November 1984
  TV Times feature on Eamonn's wife, Grainne

Series 26

  When a life hangs in the balance 12 October 1985
  TV Times reveals more behind-the-scenes stories
  Michael's busy Lizzie 20 September 1986
  A TV Times pre-This Is Your Life interview with Michael Aspel

Series 27

  Eamonn's surprising disguises 11 October 1986
  TV Times feature on some bizarre outfits
Secret names that have special meaning 15 November 1986
  TV Times reveals more secrets from television's most secretive show
  Did You See...? 4 March 1987
  Press reviews of the BBC's Did You See...? special on This Is Your Life

Series 28

  Andrews's death casts doubt on his show 6 November 1987
  The Guardian reports the death of Eamonn Andrews
  Obituaries: Eamonn Andrews 6 November 1987
  Press coverage of the death and memorial service of Eamonn Andrews
  This Was Your Life! 6 November 1987
  The Sun's coverage of the death of Eamonn Andrews
  Eamonn Remembered 20 November 1987
  RTE Guide tribute to Eamonn Andrews
  Life as seen by Aspel 1 April 1988
  Press speculation and announcements on new presenter Michael Aspel
  A programme with a life of its own 1 June 1988
  The Independent profiles the programme's history

Series 29

  Yes, This Is Our Life! 4 October 1988
  Woman's Own interviews Lizzie Power - wife of Michael Aspel
  How they asked Aspel 28 October 1988
  TV Times interviews new presenter Michael Aspel
  Secrets Of 'Life': The ones who got away 21 January 1989
  Producer Malcolm Morris exposes some production secrets to TV Times
  The day we lost The Big Red Book 28 January 1989
  Further secrets revealed by producer Malcolm Morris
  He Was Their Life... 25 September 1989
  The children of Eamonn Andrews remember him in a feature for Woman's Own
  Eamonn Andrews by Tom Brennand 26 March 1989
  Press reviews of the former scriptwriter's new book

Series 30

  How Eamonn carved a life from insecure beginnings 15 March 1990
  The Stage reviews the book For Ever and Ever, Eamonn
  You Thought You Were Here To... 5 May 1990
  A TV Guide feature celebrating the programme's 500th edition
  Who's the real burger then? 7 May 1990
  A TV Times quiz on the programme's code names

Series 31

  Just A Few Words Of Thanks... 5 December 1990
  Michael Aspel's weekly TV Times column
  My kind of day - Michael Aspel 2 March 1991
  Radio Times feature on Michael Aspel
  This Is My Life by Michael Aspel 2 March 1991
  What's on TV magazine interviews Michael Aspel
  Michael Hands Over His Secrets 9 March 1991
  TV Times feature on Michael Aspel

Series 32

  Six Of Their Best! 16 October 1991
  Celebrities select their ideal This Is Your Life subject
  How We Kept The Secret 15 April 1992
  TV Times interviews recent subjects
  Obituaries: T Leslie Jackson 23 April 1992
  Press obituaries for This Is Your Life's first producer
  Klein's having the time of his life 14 May 1992
  The Stage interview with Associate Producer Brian Klein

Series 33

  Secrets Of The Big Red Book 26 September 1992
  TV Times launches another new series
  Thames, this is your afterlife 16 December 1992
  The Independent reports on changes at Teddington Studios
  BBC harks back to a previous life 29 July 1993
  The Guardian reports on the return to the BBC
  This Is Your Life goes back to its birthplace 29 July 1993
  Press coverage on the return to the BBC
  This Is Your Life 30 July 1993
  The Daily Mail profiles the programme's history

Series 34

  Me, calm? I couldn't be more nervous 29 January 1994
  TV Times interviews Michael Aspel

Series 35

  The Night Gary Glitter Fans Nearly Killed Me! 29 October 1994
  TV Times interviews producer Malcolm Morris
  This is my life... 17 December 1994
  Radio Times interviews Michael Aspel

Series 36

  Mr Cool Needs To Turn Up The Heat 24 August 1996
  Daily Record interview with Michael Aspel

Series 37

  Ratings slump sounds death knell for This Is Your Life 17 November 1996
  Press speculation on the future of This Is Your Life

Series 38

  Secrets of Aspel's Success… 30 August 1997
  The Mirror previews the new series

Series 39

  Vere Lorrimer 15 October 1998
  The Stage obituary for the former producer of This Is Your Life

Series 40

  Is this the end of your life? 1 November 1999
  The Guardian questions the future of This Is Your Life
  Biggest night of all for the big red book 14 January 2000
  Press coverage for The Night of 1000 Lives
  10 Things You Didn't Know About... Michael Aspel 30 September 2000
  Coventry Evening Telegraph feature
  This is your new life 21 October 2000
  Radio Times interviews Michael Aspel

Series 41

  The Great Survivor - Michael Aspel 2 June 2001
  Birmingham Evening Mail interview with Michael Aspel

Series 42

  This is your loft 4 November 2001
  The Sunday Times feature on Eamonn Andrews
  This was his life 4 July 2002
  Maurice Leonard recalls Eamonn Andrews
  Rocky start to Aspel's career 30 July 2002
  The Western Mail interviews Michael Aspel

Series 43

  Aspel Takes It All In His Stride 31 December 2002
  Belfast News Letter reports on Michael Aspel's 15 years on This Is Your Life
  Prop Watch: This is your...big red book 4 January 2003
  Radio Times looks at the show's true icon
  The Big Red Book 14 January 2003
  The Western Mail recalls subjects with Welsh roots
  My Life in Their Hands 18 January 2003
  The Mirror interviews Michael Aspel
  This Was Your Life! 15 May 2003
  Press coverage on the uncertain future of This Is Your Life
  End of an era as Aspel closes his big red book 3 June 2003
  Press coverage as Michael Aspel quits This Is Your Life
  True Lives: Eamonn 13 October 2003
  Press coverage of a new documentary on Eamonn Andrews
  BBC axes This Is Your Life 21 October 2003
  Press coverage of the BBC's announcement


  Torture, Treacle, Tears and Trickery unknown date
  The Controversy Surrounding This Is Your Life in the 1950s
  I have cancer but I'm feeling fine, says Aspel 5 January 2004
  Press coverage of Michael Aspel's health
  John Sandilands 8 April 2004
  Daily Telegraph obituary for the former This Is Your Life scriptwriter
  TV star Eamonn Andrews loved Portmarnock home 23 September 2004
  Irish Independent feature on Eamonn Andrews
  This Is Your Life set for return 7 October 2005
  Press coverage of the programme's relaunch
  This Is Your Life's creator dies 17 November 2005
  BBC report on the death of Ralph Edwards
  Michael Aspel's revenge on the autocuties 16 August 2007
  Daily Mail interview with Michael Aspel
  Not on your life, mate! 24 October 2011
  Daily Mail feature
  Obituaries: Roy Bottomley 22 December 2011
  Press obituaries for This Is Your Life scriptwriter
  This is Your Life: 1969 - 1985 30 October 2012
  A personal account
  Stanley Matthews should have been on the first This Is Your Life 3 July 2013
  Look and Learn magazine feature
  The Origin of This Is Your Life 8 April 2016
  A comprehensive account of how it all started
  Magic Moments 29 July 2016
  TV Times celebrates This Is Your Life
  Somewhere, Someone - This Is Your Life 2 July 2018
  Talk of Thames feature on the programme's 1969 relaunch
  My life through a lens 8 May 2020
  Michael Aspel chooses his favourite photographs for the Mail Online
  The time of their lives 25 July 2020
  Leicester Mercury feature
  This is his life 9 December 2022
  An Irish Post feature on Eamonn Andrews
  Paul Stewart Laing obituary 10 February 2023
  The Guardian obituary for the former This Is Your Life director