Big Red Book
Celebrating television's This Is Your Life
Hannah HAUXWELL (1926-2018)
THIS IS YOUR LIFE - Hannah Hauxwell, farmer, was surprised by Michael Aspel while signing copies of her newly published book, Innocent Abroad, at the Waterstones store in Kingston upon Thames.
Hannah was born and raised in her family home, Low Birk Hatt Farm, a dilapidated 80-acre farm in Baldersdale, North Yorkshire, and since the age of 35 had managed the farm by herself following the deaths of her parents and uncle. With no electricity or running water she struggled to survive on £240 a year, battling against poverty and the harsh Pennine winters, tending to her few cattle in ragged clothes in temperatures well below freezing.
She first came to public attention after being featured in an ITV documentary, Too Long a Winter, made by Yorkshire Television, which chronicled the almost endurable conditions of farmers in the High Pennines in winter. Following the documentary electricity was connected to the farm - paid for by well-wishers. Hannah sold the farm in 1988 due to ill health and relocated to a cottage in a nearby village. In 1992 a further documentary series followed Hannah on her first trips outside of the UK as she visited France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, where she met the Pope.
"Oh goodness me - that's a surprise! Thank you! Well thank you very much - but I don't know what you'll make of me!"
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from domestic cleaner to teacher
a celebration of a thousand editions
Screenshots of Hannah Hauxwell This Is Your Life
Series 32 subjects
Paul Nicholas | Keith Floyd | Gwyneth Jones | Norman Painting | Thelma Barlow | Nobby Stiles | Bernard Manning